On July 2nd 2019, Tom Hall, Head of School of Social Science, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Anne Morgan, Head of International Partnerships of Cardiff University paid a visit to FOE-BNU had a comprehensive and thorough discussion with Faculty of Education for students and faculty exchange and cooperation of both sides. Professor Zhu Xudong, Dean of FOE, Yang Yang, Assistant Dean, Liu Jing, Director of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation and relevant staff were present at the meeting.
Dean Zhu Xudong first expressed warm welcome to the delegation and Dr. Tom Hall gave an introduction to Cardiff University and School of Social Science in detail, highlighting its forte in academic research. Assistant Dean Yang Yang presented Cardiff delegation the overview of internationalization FOE-BNU has so far achieved, based on which both sides would like to develop collaboration and exchange programs for mutual progress on education.
FOE-BNU and Cardiff University would like to have further bilateral collaboration on student and faculty exchange on the school level, promoting the cultivation of students majoring in education and the faculty’s research level. For this goal, first, both colleges would like to share the expertise of each faculty as the starting point for further research collaboration. Second, FOE intends to establish Seed Fund together with Cardiff University, supporting faculties from both sides to have research and publication collaboration on education and related subjects, which will help establish partnership of both schools. The Seed Fund is expected to be put on the agenda following the signing of Strategic Partner Agreement between Cardiff University and Beijing Normal University later this year.
At the end of the meeting, Professor Zhu Xudong and Dr. Tom Hall both hope the collaboration and communication of both sides would be well carried out as expected.