Papers Published
From 2009 to 2012, FOE had 1144 papers published in the CSSCI and more than 40 academic papers in SCI、SSCI、EI journals.Besides,about 600 works of various kinds were published including 118 monographs and 37 translation works, and some works were published by foreign publishers in English, German and Japanese.
From 2007 to 2012, FOE published more than 260 first-author foreign language papers. Among them, 35 are SSCI/SCI papers, 53 are EI papers (including EI conference papers and EI journal articles); moreover, 147 are English papers and 24 papers were published in other foreign languages including Japanese, Russian, Korean, etc..

Research and Consulting Reports
From 2009 to 2013, FOE has submitted more than 140 consulting reports on quality education development and policy to the Central Organization Department, the Government Apparatus , the International Ministries and other organizations, including more than 100 research and consulting reports have adopted by the relevant departments, which has played an important role in promoting the education development in China. Some reports received important instructions from the national leaders President Xi Jinping, President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, State Councilor Liu Yandong and Dai Bingguo etc.