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    YE Jian-Hong Lecturer
    Institute of Vocational and Adult Education;

    Dr. Jian-Hong Ye is a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University, a distinguished expert at the National Institute of Vocational Education at Beijing Normal University, and a visiting professor at Ningxia Polytechnic. Dr. Ye is also an honorary member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society and an outstanding alumnus of the Department of Fashion Design at Tainan University of Technology. In recent years, Dr. Ye has also served as a guest editor and peer reviewer for a number of SSCI, SCI, and Scopus journals. His research interests include digitalization of vocational education, curriculum and teaching innovation, student psychological health and well-being, and interdisciplinary topics.



    lDirector's Assistant, Institute of Vocational and Adult Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

    lClass adviser of doctoral degree, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

    lMaster's Supervisor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

    lLecturer, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

    lSpecially invited experts, National Institute of Vocational Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

    lVisiting Professor, School of Art & Design, Guangdong Teachers College of Foreign Language and Arts, Guangdong, China

    lVisiting Professor, Ningxia Polytechnic, Yinchuan, China


    lFounder and President, NTNU Alumni Association in Mainland China

    lPermanent Member, Chinese Vocational Industrial Education Association (Taiwan)

    lMember, The Chinese Society of Education

    lMember, China Computer Federation (CCF)




    lSection Associate Editor – Heliyon (SCI)

    lBoard Member – BMC Psychology (SSCI)

    lGuest Associate Editor - Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), Frontiers in Education (SCOPUS)

    lGuest Editor – Behavioral Sciences, Healthcare, Sustainability (SSCI), Administrative Sciences , Applied System Innovation Economies, Education Sciences, European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, Societies (ESCI, SCOPUS), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCOPUS)

    lPeer Reviewer (SSCI) – Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, British Journal of Educational Technology, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Evaluation Review,  Journal of Child and Family Studies, Social Psychology of Education, Educational Studies, Empirical Studies of the Arts, Journal of Educational Computing Research, European Journal of Education, Journal of Chemical Education, Children and Youth Services Review, Advances in Mental Health, Interactive Learning Environments, International Journal of Educational Research, Education + Training, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, BMC Psychology, Sage Open, Psychology, Health & Medicine,   Psychology Research and Behavior Management, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Journal of Child and Family Studies (SSCI), 

    lPeer Reviewer (SCI) – BMC Public Health, Brain and Behavior, Heliyon, Electronics, Medicine, PLOS ONE, Scientific Reports, Electronics

    lPeer Reviewer (SCOPUS) – International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development, Health Science Reports, Environment and Social Psychology

    International Conferences

    lPublicity Chair – 2025 6th International Conference on Advances in Education and Information Technology (AEIT2025)

    lWorkshop Chair – The 14th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning (GCCIL2023) 

    lCommittee Member – 2023 International Symposium on the Vocational Education System Innovation

    lWorkshop Co-chair – The 26th and 28th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) 

    lWorkshop Committee Member – The 21st to 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE)

    lGeneral Convener of Executive Working Group – International Conference on Creativity, STEAM and Maker Education (ICCSM2018)




    Ye, J.-H., & Jiang, M. (Eds.) (2024). Technical and vocational education and training. IntechOpen. (ISBN 978-1-83769-012-1; PRINT ISBN 978-1-83769-011-4; EBOOK (PDF) ISBN 978-1-83769-013-8)

    Ye, J.-H., Chen, M.-Y., & Wu, Y.-F. (Eds.) (2024). The causes, counseling and prevention strategies for maladaptive and deviant behaviors in schools. MDPI. (Hbk-ISBN: 978-3-7258-0561-7; EBOOK (PDF) ISBN: 978-3-7258-0562-4) 

    Ye, J.-H., Chen, M.-Y., & Hao, Y.-W. (Eds.) (2023). Teaching and learning in higher education: The role of emotion and cognition. Frontiers Media SA. (ISBN: 978-2-8325-3035-1)

    Ye, J.-H., Chen, M.-Y., & Hao, Y.-W. (Eds.) (2023). Exploring the psychology of vocational education: From the perspective of literacy promotion. Frontiers Media SA. (ISBN: 978-2-83252-044-4)


    SSCI & SCI

    Ye, J.-H., Yang, X., Zhang, M., Nong, W., & Wang, L. (in press). The relationship between inert thinking and ChatGPT dependence: An I-PACE model perspective. Education and Information Technologies.

    Ye, J.-H., He, Z., Bai, B., & Wu, Y.-F. (2024). Sustainability of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) along with vocational psychology. Behavioral Sciences, 14(10), 859.

    Ye, J.-H., Yang, X., Nong, W., Wang, M., & Lee, Y.-S. (2024). Antecedents and outcomes of cyberbullying among Chinese university students: Verification of a behavioral pathway model provisionally accepted. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1359828.

    Ye, J.-H., Wu, Y.-T., Wu, Y.-F., Chen, M.-Y., Nong, W., & Lee, Y.-S. (2024). A study on construction and validation of pathways to the sustainable well-being of Chinese vocational students in the post-pandemic era. Current Psychology, 43, 7511-7522.

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-N., Ye, J.-H.*, & Kung, L.-W. (2024). The entity belief of concentration ability predicts cognitive load, failure-attribution, and flow experience when using a virtual reality device. Interactive Learning Environments,32(1), 34-51. (Corresponding author)

    Ye, J.-H., Chen, M.-Y., & Wu, Y.-F. (2024). The causes, counseling, and prevention strategies for maladaptive and deviant behaviors in schools. Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 118.

    Sun, R., Sun, G., & Ye, J.-H.* (2023). The effect of online game addiction on reduced academic achievement motivation among Chinese college students: The mediating role of learning engagement. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1185353. (Corresponding author)

    Ye, J.-H., He, Z., Yang, X., Lee, Y.-S., Nong. W., Ye, J.-N., & Wang, C.-L. (2023). Predicting the learning avoidance motivation, learning commitment, and silent classroom behavior of Chinese vocational college students caused by short video addiction. Healthcare, 11(7), 985.

    Watthanapas, N., Hao, Y.-W., Ye, J.-H.*, Hong, J.-C., & Ye, J.-N. (2023). The effects of using virtual reality on Thai word order learning. Brain Sciences 13(3), 517. (Corresponding author)

    Ye, J.-H., Lee, Y.-S., Wang, C.-L., Nong, W., Ye, J.-N., & Sun, Y. (2023). The continuous use intention for online learning of Chinese vocational students in the post-epidemic era: The extended technology acceptance model and expectation confirmation theory. Sustainability, 15(3), 1819.

    Ye, J.-H., Wu, Y.-F., Nong, W., Wu, Y.-T., Ye, J-N., & Sun, Y. (2023). The association of short video problematic use, learning engagement, and perceived learning ineffectiveness among Chinese vocational students. Healthcare, 11(2), 161.

    Qian, C., Ye, J.-H.*, & Lee, Y.-S. (2022). The effects of art design courses in higher vocational colleges based on C-STEAM. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 995113. (Corresponding author)

    Wei, C., Ma, Y., Ye, J.-H.*, & Nong, L. (2022). First-year college students’ mental health in the post-COVID-19 era in Guangxi, China: A study demands-resources model perspective. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 906788. (Corresponding author)

    Hong, J.-C., Hwang, M.-Y., Tai, K.-H., & Ye, J.-H. (2022). Raising insects with an application to enhance students’ self-confidence in interacting with insects. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(5), 803-820.

    Ye, J.-H., Wu, Y.-T., Wu, Y.-F., Chen, M.-Y., & Ye, J.-N. (2022). Effects of short video addiction on the motivation and well-being of Chinese vocational college students. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 847672.

    Wang, C.-M., Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., & Ye, J.-N. (2022). The relationship among gameplay self-efficacy, competition anxiety, and the performance of eSports players. Entertainment Computing, 42, 100489. (Corresponding author)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J. H., Chen, M.-L., Ye, J.-N., & Kung, L.-W. (2021). Intelligence beliefs predict spatial performance in virtual environments and graphical creativity performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 671635. (Corresponding author)

    Hong, J. C., Lee, Y. F., & Ye, J. H. (2021). Procrastination predicts online self-regulated learning and online learning ineffectiveness on the Covid-19 lockdown. Personality and Individual Differences, 174, 110673.

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Ho, Y.-J., & Ho, H.-Y. (2020). Developing inquiry and hands-on learning model to guide STEAM lesson planning for kindergarten children. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(6), 908-922. (Corresponding author)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Ho, Y.-J., & Wang, Y.-J. (2020). STEM embedded in the Dujiangyan Irrigation System: A descriptive - Interpretive analysis to design STEM course. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(5), 764-779. (Corresponding author)

    Hong, J.-C., Tai, K. H. & Ye, J.-H. (2019). Playing a Chinese remote associated game: The correlation among flow, self-efficacy, collective self-esteem, and competitive anxiety. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(5), 2720-2735.

    Hwang, M.-Y., Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Wu, Y.-F., Tai, K.-H., & Kiu, M.-C. (2019). Practicing abductive reasoning: The correlations between cognitive factors and learning effects. Computers & Education, 138, 33-45.


    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Wu, Y.-F., & He, Z. (2022). Master's study duration: The effects of active learning. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 53(4), 879-900. (Corresponding author)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-N., Ye, J.-H., Wang, C.-M., & Cui, Y.-T. (2021). Perceived helicopter parenting related to vocational senior high school students’ academic achievement and smartphone addiction. Journal of Research in Education Sciences 2021, 66(4), 1-33. (in Chinese)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., & Ye, J.-N. (2021). The relationship between teamwork efficacy and cooperation behavior of eSports game players. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 13(4), 149-176. (Corresponding author; in Chinese)

    Watthanapas, N., Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Hao, Y.-W., & Ye, J.-N. (2021). Applying motion sensing gaming to learning thai syntax: Relationship among Thai learning attitudes, language anxiety, gameplay flow, test anxiety and self-confidence enhancement in Thai syntax. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 66(3), 213-246. (Corresponding author; in Chinese)

    Hwang, M.-Y., Hong, J.-C., Watthanapas, N., Ye, J.-H., Ye, T.-N., & Hao, Y.-W. (2021). Thai vocabulary mobile learning: Applying achievement emotion theory to explore the correlates between language laming anxiety, self-efficacy, gameplay anxiety and interest, and learning value. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 13 (2), 87-117. (in Chinese)

    Ho, Y.-J., Ye, J.-H., Wang, C.-M., & Ye, J.-N. (2020). Personalities and overconfidence predict academic procrastination and frequency of seeking research advice that influence graduate study. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 65(4), 139-170. (Corresponding author; in Chinese)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Ho, Y.-J., & Lin, I-C. (2020). Analysis of relationships among science contestants’ cooperation attitude, knowledge sharing, and continuous sharing intention. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 52(2), 441-46. (in Chinese)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Fan, J.-Y., & Tang, K.-C. (2020). Multi-text teaching in sex education classes: Modeling the learning affective factors. Journal of Education & Psychology, 43(3), 67-98. (Corresponding author; in Chinese)

    Hong, J.-C., Chen, M.-L., Ye, J.-H., & Chen, P.-H. (2020). The relationship between adolescents' creative self-efficacy, competition engagements and the value of participating in competition-making the IEYI International Exhibition for Young Inventors as an example. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 51(3), 457-481. (in Chinese)

    Fan, J.-Y., & Ye, J.-H. (2020). Effectiveness of STEM education for design self-efficacy and design interest in fashion design. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 65(1), 225-250. (Corresponding author; in Chinese)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., & Shih, Y.-Y. (2019). Positive affect creative self-efficacy on the ability and confidence to predict problem solving avoidance motivation in a digital advertisement design course. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 51(2), 321-339. (Corresponding author)

    Hong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Fan, J.-Y. (2019). Policy acceptance of technical vocational education: A perspective from a new act on field study. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(1), 181-211. (Corresponding author; in Chinese)



    Ye, J.-H., Cui, Y., Nong, W., Lee, Y.-S., Yang, X., Wang, L., & Ye, J.-N. (2024). The development of an analysis of quantitative measurements competence disparity scale for graduate students. Environment and Social Psychology, 9(6), 2576.

    Ye, J.-H., Lee, Y.-S., Wang, L., Nong, W., & Ye, J.-N. (2023). Exploring the interplay between work engagement, self-preparation, and adaptability among novice teachers in Chinese vocational colleges. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 13(5), 544-560.

    Ye, J.-H., Zhang, M., Yang, X., & Wang, M. (2023). The relation between intergroup contact and subjective well-being among college students at Minzu universities: The moderating role of social support. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3804.

    Hong, J.-C., Zhang, H.-L., Ye, J.-H., & Ye, J.-N. (2021/07). The effects of academic self-efficacy on vocational students behavioral engagement at school and at firm internships: A model of engagement-value of achievement motivation. Education Sciences, 11(8), 387. (Co-Corresponding author)

    Ye, J.-H., Watthanapas, N., & Wu, Y.-F. (2020). Applying Kahoot in Thai language and culture curriculum: Analysis of the relationship among online cognitive failure, flow experience, gameplay anxiety and learning performance. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 10(8), 563-572.

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