The International Student Union (ISU) has the following members and responsibilities:
1. President (Maria Khan)
Ø to lead the ISU
Ø Communicate to higher officials on its behalf, and preside over the meetings of union.
Ø To interact with other students’ unions and clubs, and exchange information with them.
Ø To supervise the duties of the union members.
Ø To prepare and implement the ISU short and long term plan; and in discussion and cooperation with the members.
Ø To oversee the ISU properties, and budget and supervise their effective and timely implementation.
Ø To supervise the proper and timely implementation of the union decisions.
2. Vice-President ( Alex S.M. Mhone)
Ø To carry out the duties and functions of the President in the absence of the President.
Ø To assist the president in his/her work.
Ø To call for the meetings of the union in collaboration with the Secretary General
Ø To coordinate and monitor the activities of the ministries.
3. Secretary General (2)
Emma Levi
DY Channy
Ø To keep all the documents of the union and be responsible for writing and distribution of the minutes of ISU and sub-committees meetings.
Ø To assist the President/Vice-president in coordinating the execution of all the decisions of ISU.
Ø To keep and coordinate the financial and material resources of the ISU according the decision of the union.
Ø To gather and present the suggestions given by the students to ISU.
4. Minister, Ministry of Academics (Ogunniran Moses Olalede)
Ø Plan activities related to the ministry in discussion with his/her members.
Ø To arrange/ help arranging academic functions, symposiums and seminars.
Ø To arrange academic quiz, competitions and meetings among the students.
Ø To take suggestions and feedback from students about the studies and ways to improve it.
Ø Ensure the proper implementation of ISU decisions about his/ her ministry.
Ø Present a report of his/ her respective ministry in the ISU meetings.
5. Minister, Ministry of Culture and Activities (Li Yang- Leon)
Ø Plan activities related to the ministry in discussion with his/her members, and present it to the ISU for discussion and approval.
Ø To organize graduation ceremonies, welcome and end of term parties, and celebrate other festivals and cultural events.
Ø To organize tour and other activities to increase inter-cultural harmony among Chinese and international students.
Ø To plan and arrange out of school picnic and scientific tours.
Ø ensure the proper implementation of ISU decisions about his/ her ministry
Ø Present a report of his/ her respective ministry in the ISU meetings.
6. Minister, Ministry of Media (Erdenesaikhan Gandolgor)
Ø Plan activities related to the ministry in discussion with his/her members, and present it to the ISU for discussion and approval.
Ø To disseminate information, issue the ISU newsletter “Timeline”, and preparing posters.
Ø To prepare brochures, notices and posters for highlighting different activities of the ministries.
Ø To publish the ISU monthly newsletter “Timeline” and other reports and news articles about ISU at BNU and other students’ websites.
Ø To inform international students about the activities of different clubs in BNU (probably translating the Chinese information into English for international students).
Ø Ensure the proper implementation of ISU decisions about his/ her ministry.
Ø Present a report of his/ her respective ministry in the ISU meetings.
7. Minister, Ministry of Career Development (Lodongi Matthew Lino)
Ø Plan activities related to the ministry in discussion with his/her members, and present it to the ISU for discussion and approval.
Ø To identify career need of students.
Ø To explore for organization for possible internship opportunities to students.
Ø Ensure the proper implementation of ISU decisions about his/ her ministry.
Ø Present a report of his/ her respective ministry in the ISU meetings.
Members of Ministries
Ø Every ministry should consist of three to five members. These members will join the ISU voluntary and incase of large number, the ISU Executive Committee will select based on the need and qualification of the applicants.
Ø The members ensure proper execution of the activities in their respective ministries.
Ministry of academics
· Temesgen Lerebo Dobbo
· Francis E. Soi
· Markos Tezera Taye
Ministry of culture
· Wu Yali (Ari)
· Bashil Mahommed
· Olorato Mpapho
Ministry of career and development
· Omary Hemedi Makore
Ministry of media
· Boulus Rida Anwar Said
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